Saturday, June 14, 2008


The fire of nature doesn’t want to be controlled. It wants to burn to the point where the area can be renewed, by the tune the wind plays on a certain day. Nature doesn’t care about peoples’ houses. It only cares about the health of its skin and its hairs that are growing. When humans try to control nature, this just makes organic order messy. The humans are just being hyper critical about the place they are settling. But that's the hippycritter doing its scuttle skidder eh? and then peddling its non-sequenced shares and negating the eclairs.
While the hippo goes in circles in a zoo of someone else’s making and only escapes into a hypotenuse when it learns how to break free from the captive inside its own sense of sublime ridicule which criticises a state of mind that is trying to encouraged hype to the point where it can wear a stripe. Waking up is important, circles can be hypnotic. So those who preach what they cannot teach at least should collect their straight and curl them to the point where they don’t make such a scar in those they anoint. Although if done artistically branding might be the way to go! Slash and burn only works for some.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


People reflect so much of what is around them. My fingers get nicely calloused from the guitar strings. And when I say “Get Stuffed,” to the Lammington, that pink fluffy thing thinks I said I wanted it to fck itself or something. So it starts multiplying. And then there’s all these Lammingtons around me saying the same thing, “We love the Lammington/ Have you seen the Lammington?/ I wish the Lammington was in.”
But that’s not my thinking, I can’t stomach such things. They upset me and distract me from what I’m doing. Then try to blame me for their pussy getting hit by a car.
Question is how do you get a Lammington to go away when you’re trying to concentrate on writing? Mash them.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A landscape of containers

Last year I started thinking about how containers might fit together, be linked. And how they are something like human behaviour. How our lives can be wrapped up in little tempory bits of plastic.
Now, I've got the gallery set up full of artful intregue.

And some brilliant guest speakers at my opening
of the exhibition 12th June 6-8pm,

At 54 Burke Road, Malvern East, Melbourne, Australia

Sustainable culture, Fern Rainbow

& stand-up comedian, Duff

Art is organic. It is a dream. It instigates. It is a creation. It is something that is a platform from which to think. It is responsible and responding. And although items in an exhibition may be separate, it is best to curate some bonding.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Escape in the clouds

The weather contained in a ship in a picture on the sailor's sole