Following the white rabbit (2008), was painted over another painting: Secrets (2002). Perhaps I should’ve left it at that. But something weird annoyed me about this abstract pretty. It was part of an exhibition called: But what is it?
I got the title from the architect, Lloyd Wright, who demanded painters paint something tangible he could understand. "But what is it?" he demanded of the finger-painters.
Maybe it was also those pill containers I stuck on there. Pills I chose to swallow years ago. White rabbits? I dunno. A chaser to the bunny ears certainly. Bunny ears distracted my mind from the forced psyche meds from hurting me as much. But the bunny ears hurt me just as much. And getting off something that I was allergic to was worth it. So I can’t condemn those transparent things I filled with glue glitter and stuck to this canvas. I can only say I was going through a stage and chasing one thing to stop another. But then there was painting. Just letting the visuals out.
I'm doing a post-mortem on a painting here. Frankly, I found it somewhat disturbing that it had what seemed to be an illustration from some old old Enid Blighton book. Not me! But, that's the automatic.
And there's the ear listening.
So, I look things up and start to see metaphors I hadn't really delved into before. Chase the meaning of that damn white rabbit and it is really time consuming thing, that's what i think!